Wonderfully Made Special is going to be deployed in Ukraine. The first actions have been taken regarding the translation and contextualization of the complete program.
The Wonderfully Made Special program offers practical guidance for relationships and sex education to people with an intellectual disability. Charity Kom Over En Help is sponsoring the project.
The organization Perspectiva 21.3 is taking a leading role in the project. With its mission, Perspectiva wants to support people with intellectual disabilities in meaningful daytime activities.
Thus, it provides conditions for a full and dignified life for people with Down syndrome, autism and learning disabilities.
Dmytro Indylo (Perspectiva 21.3) says the material is needed, especially now. There is a great need for tools in this time of war to keep communication open with this target group.
There is interest in Wonderfully Made Special from all over the country, from both Christian and non-Christian organizations. Therefore, the train-the-trainer format will be used. Elly van der Gouwe will provide training as well as support and advice in the process of contextualization.
We pray that God will use the program to equip young people with intellectual disabilities so that they too can work on a meaningful life.
Find more information about Perspectiva 21-3 or Wonderfully Made for Primary Education