If there is a Dutch Master's available at Driestar Christian University, why choose this International track?
"In my case, it is because of the 4 countries I have lived in in 16 years, outside the Netherlands.
When I returned to the Netherlands two years ago, I immediately got my job back at a primary school in Ermelo, but my husband didn't have a job and could return to a job abroad in no time.
Maybe I would also go back into the world again and because of my experience in Pakistan with a teacher training programme, which inspired me a lot, I thought it would make sense to do an Education Master's degree.
Besides, I missed my international life, the International stream seemed wonderful because of the encounters with people from all over the world.
I found that they have to do their Masters in much more complicated circumstances and they inspired me by their great steadfast faith in God. These are two big reasons why I chose this master Learning and Innovation, track: Christian education.
It enriches my life to hear teaching stories and situations from 7 different countries and pray for each other's situation. Christian education is still very much taken for granted in NL but it is not worldwide. Happy to recommend!”
Margreet Jaspers Faijer-Breugem
We intend to have a new cohort starting the Master’s programme every two years, with the next cohort starting in 2024. You can register from November 2023. It is also possible to take individual modules as Short Courses. You can find more information here.