
International class 2024 has started!

International class 2024 has started!

The 13th edition of the International Class has started
5 September 2024
International visit I PhD students

International visit I PhD students

Last weeks, we have had several phd students at our university, who were here for self-study and group supervision led by our Professor Bram de Muynck. Following this, they had the Graduate Week at the Theological University in Apeldoorn.
28 June 2024
Lerarenopleiding voortgezet onderwijs routes bij Driestar hogeschool

Lerarenopleiding voortgezet onderwijs routes bij Driestar hogeschool

Denk je weleens aan een baan in het onderwijs, maar weet je niet goed wat de mogelijkheden zijn? Of werk je al in het voortgezet onderwijs en wil je een lesbevoegdheid behalen?
4 June 2024
Article Self-Responsible Self-Determination M.J. Langeveld

Article Self-Responsible Self-Determination M.J. Langeveld

Martinus Jan Langeveld (1905–1989) was a key figure in Dutch academic educational studies after the Second World War. This article investigates the origins and sources of Langeveld’s theory by examining his prior publications and the main references in conjunction with the intellectual movements of his time.
28 March 2024
International Conferences in the Netherlands 2025: Save the date

International Conferences in the Netherlands 2025: Save the date

ECCEN (European Conference for Christian Education in the Netherlands) organise conferences for school leaders and teachers of Christian Schools across Europe, drawing together different cultures, nationalities and professions within Christian education.
28 March 2024
Wonderfully made programme

Wonderfully made programme

There are new developments to share on the Wonderfully Made programme. The curriculum for Relationships and Sex Education for primary will be available in more countries in Europe and beyond.
27 March 2024
'This master’s programme is a tremendous blessing'

'This master’s programme is a tremendous blessing'

Rahel Huby is from Indonesia, Papua. She is a teacher at a Christian Teacher College in Papua. She is in her second year of our Learning and Innovation Master’s programme: track Christian Education.
15 March 2024
The Essence of Christian Teaching e-learning module now available

The Essence of Christian Teaching e-learning module now available

In 2018, we published the book The Essence of Christian Teaching. The aim of this concise school pedagogy is to equip Christian teachers. Since then, the book has been used by many teachers worldwide.
5 March 2024
Research centre DCU publishes article on parent-teacher collaboration

Research centre DCU publishes article on parent-teacher collaboration

‘Parents and teachers in elementary schools trust each other, but exchange little information about religious education.’ That is one of the conclusions drawn from a study conducted by our research centre, led by our former research centre lead Nico Broer.
5 March 2024
Conference Education, Formation and the Church

Conference Education, Formation and the Church

Education and formation can be seen as the conversation between generations. This happens in families, churches and schools. Schools can be seen as places where traditions are handed over to new generations in an organized way. Being an educated or civilized person means to be traditioned in moral, cultural and religious knowledge, attitudes and practices.
4 March 2024