From February 27th to March 2nd 2019, the 3rd International Educational Leadership Conference will be held in Budapest, Hungary.
IELC (International Educational Leadership Conference) is designed to provide the space and opportunity for Christian school leaders to establish meaningful partnerships with like-minded Christian schools in other countries. ACSI Europe is committed to promote such school-to-school partnerships at many levels. If your school is interested in connecting with another Christian school, this event is for you!
• Inspire a shared vision for global Christian education
• Encourage fellowship among Christian school leaders
• Encourage developing partnerships for Christian schools
• Enhance leadership skills through plenary and workshop sessions
IELC offers you an excellent opportunity to be encouraged, inspired and challenged by the conference sessions and testimonies of fellow leaders from 20+ nations. We believe that Christian schools and their leaders need each other today more than ever. As Christians who are called to serve the Lord through Christian education in many different countries, we need to learn from each other, and encourage one another for the building up of God's Kingdom.
At IELC 2019 you will have opportunities for: learning together, connecting and prayer and fellowship. There is also sufficient time for worship, private discussions and sightseeing in the beautiful city of Budapest!
This leadership event will be hosted at Danubius Hotel Flamenco ****
For more event information and registration, go to our website.
If you have already registered for IELC... THANK YOU! We look forward to sharing an inspiring time together.