
Speakers ECCEN 2025

Keynote speakers 

  • Prof. dr. ir. Henk Jochemsen, emeritus professor Christian philosophy University of Wageningen NL.
    Prof Henk Jochemsen was special professor of reformed philosophy at the University of Wageningen. He was also general director of Prisma (an association of Christian development organizations). Between 1980 and 1986 he worked in Paraguay as an employee of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. In 1986, Jochemsen returned to the Netherlands and became involved in the founding of the Lindeboom Institute: a center for medical ethics that deals with the ethical aspects of human interventions in human life. From 1987 until January 1, 2009, he was director of this institute. 

  • Gabriela Kuby (Germany)
    Gabriele Kuby (born 1944 in Konstanz, Germany) is a German writer and sociologist. She is a Catholic convert and noted for Traditionalist Catholic ideas and orthodox positions on sexuality and gender, which are stated in works like The Global Sexual Revolution: The Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom. She also became known for criticizing the morality of the Harry Potter series.  Gabriele Kuby advocates for conservative and Christian-Catholic socio-political positions, in which she defends the positions of the church's teachings. 

  • Bernhard Braker, principal Christian school ‘Les Tournesols' in Brussels, Belgium. 
    Bernhard Braker is secondary director of the Christian school ‘Les Tournesols’ in Belgium. More about the values of his school: Our school has the task of helping the student to experience, in his school life, all Christian values and in particular: love, discipline, excellence and integrity.
    We encourage the student to discover God's love, to learn to love Him and to love his neighbor as himself. Our discipline is based on collaboration between teachers and parents. It is applied with love, justice, firmness and mutual respect. It provides a reassuring framework and promotes the safety of the student in his or her school career. We encourage each student to reach his or her level of excellence and to refuse mediocrity. We encourage each student to be honest, to be authentic to others as well as to themselves.
  • Frédéric Gerard, principal Christian School 'Les Perles' in Brussels, Belgium.